"In the sea of misfit toys, strange people, dark places, I found unique creatures, worlds, and light."
For the longest time, I was a person of theater. In the sea of misfit toys, strange people, and dark places, I found unique creatures, worlds, and light. Live performances, the connecting of 2 beings – one presenting and one receiving – felt mysterious, then magical, then transformative. It is where I found my tribe. And in this tribe, I learned to be a caretaker of stories and storytellers. Once I understood that I can be the fertile ground for the imagination of stories, I learned that the end form did not matter. That live theater and film and TV intertwined in the collective experience of a story. So I returned to the ancient ideas of storytelling, and though I use different ways to tell the story beyond the campfire, I am that storyteller.
– Chil Kong (2021)

With a career spanning over four decades, Chil Kong uses his diverse background to inform his storytelling. His different points of view work together to tell an even greater story. From performer, director, producer, to educator, Chil has devoted his life to making and teaching art to others. Chil has a passion for social change, a drive to tell stories, and a devotion to creating art that brings joy. He hopes his work inspires others and encourages viewers to become better storytellers themselves.