Read and enjoy a collection of conversations with MommaKong, and as MommaKong says…”What it is!”

Mom: What you typing?

Me: I’m posting everything you say to the world.

Mom: why you have to tell my life?

Me: cause they think you are funny.

Mom: who think I funny?

Me: the world mom, the world.

Mom: of course (blinks at me as if that is the truth of all ultimate truths!)

Me: who was that you were talking to for so long?

Mom: Nobody…

Me: The lady you were just talking to…

Mom: She a two-face… I don’t like her… so nobody.

Me: (blank look)

Mom: Don’t worry, I have 16 faces to cover all her 2 face.

Me: (blank look)

No matter how far you go, you are never too far from home. You can always call. Yah! Call your mommy!

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